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Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update

Update 30th November, 2020

Christmas is coming and the magic of visiting Santa in his wonderful Grotto can still happen this year. Fabulous news has been confirmed that Santa's Grotto can open this Christmas! 

In an update to the Christmas guidance from Government, it is said that:

"Santa’s grottos are able to open in all tiers where they are located in venues otherwise permitted to open. Venues should put in place appropriate COVID-secure measures, including social distancing."

So, let's get to can The Festive Experts at The Fun Experts help you this Christmas. We've already had the pleasure of supporting businesses across the nation with their festive plans and here are just a few ways YOU can add the magic of a Santa's Grotto to your celebrations!

Just head over to our Christmas section and find all the fun to be had this Christmas with a covid secure celebration.



Update 23rd October, 2020

With Christmas just 9 weeks away, the celebrations that take place in the build up to the big day are even closer.

2020 has seen us adapt and for the festive season, your traditional Christmas celebrations will no doubt be a little different. Thankfully The Fun Experts both here at The Fun Experts and at Fun Depot have a solution.

For more information on celebrating Christmas in 2020, read more here and speak to The Fun Experts direct on 0800 086 2380.



Update 30th September, 2020

As the Summer sun leaves us and we make way for a slight chill from the Autumn ahead, it's time for many events to start moving indoors. And with Christmas fast approaching, you'll no doubt be wondering how to celebrate this year.

As our Covid Secure measures remain in place to provide a safe service to you, we're looking forward to not only the festive season ahead but the time between then and now as The Fun Experts continue to deliver fun across the country.

We appreciate with the change in guidance and localised rules in place, you may still have questions in how your plans can continue in a safe and secure way. Operations Manager Billy Williamson remains on hand to share with you what steps we have taken and discuss any measures you may need to consider. Camille Bradshaw is available with her team to discuss what fun entertainment is available for your event.

The Fun Experts continue to work with you in delivering a fun but above all else, safe and secure event. We'll continue to keep you up to date with all the measures we have in place to ensure that our service can provide you with a safe event, run in line with Government law.



Update 3rd August, 2020

Can I organise an event? It's a question that's been asked a lot during current times, and the answer is simply...Yes!

With the correct measures in place to ensure a Covid Secure environment and experience, events can continue. The Fun Experts have had the pleasure of working with business and organisations over recent months, supplying our covid secure fun equipment hire for events.

If you need advice on how to hold your event, a recent blog may help - though better still, call The Fun Experts and we will be more than happy to share with you advice on how to hold your event and introduce fun with The Fun Experts - all the while, following Government guidance and ensuring a safe experience for you, your guests and our Event Teams.

Fun can continue in our 'new normal'!



Update 6th July, 2020


To all our clients across the UK, to venues that have re-opened their doors, offices who have welcomed back their teams and to all who are planning an event this year and beyond, you can trust the Fun Experts!

Ensuring that our service can still continue and support you in your event needs, from Employee Engagement to celebrations, The Fun Experts can supply our service of Covid Secure Fun!

Our very own seal of approval can be found against all of our equipment that is suitable to hire and safe to enjoy during current times. A new badge of honour for our Fun Experts to wear, as they are trained in new safety measures we have implemented so that fun continues, where it is needed now more than ever.

If you are planning an event for this year and perhaps feel cautious in doing so, be sure to speak to us and feel assured in how we can support you and your event, as we deliver to you a Covid Secure service.



Updated 24th June, 2020

As businesses within the Hospitality sector prepare to open again from the 4th July, we thought we'd remind you as to the steps that have been taken here at The Fun Experts, ensuring that The Fun Experts continue to deliver the service you've come to expect over the last 15 years but in a Covid Secure way...

At Events

  • Fun Experts attending events are supplied with Covid Secure Kits, including PPE and cleaning supplies
  • Our Fun Experts are fully trained in our Covid Secure Guidelines (based on Government advice)
  • Event Equipment hired by you has undergone a Covid Secure review and supplied with it's own Equipment Covid Secure kit
  • Our Risk Assessments and Method Statements have been updated accordingly
  • Extra measures are in place to support Social Distancing, from use of equipment to queuing

In House

  • Our Health & Safety advisor has performed a thorough review of the office and warehouse environments at our North & South bases to ensure they are Covid Secure
  • Our office based teams continue to work from home and are still contactable in all the usual ways (we've become very fond of Zoom with our clients!)
  • Equipment that returns from Event Hire goes through a rigorous quarantine and cleaning process to ensure cleanliness and safety for it's next hire

Given the nature of our business, our industry, we do continue to monitor all guidance and advice provided to ensure we not only provide a Covid Secure service, but that we can also support you. We will share with you the knowledge for you to provide a Covid Secure environment for the event to take place in.

Outdoor events are a huge part of the Summer months, and that continues to be the case. Having attended a number of events, on a smaller scale and in line with Government guidance, we continue to stay alert so all can stay safe.

If you would like to discuss your plans for an event taking place in the coming weeks and months, or indeed going in to 2021, then contact Camille and her team - by email, phone, zoom or carrier pigeon - and let's talk about how we start to bring people back together in a fun and safe way.



Updated 17th June, 2020

 "Bring me Sunshine..."

Summer is in full swing with the weather shining down gloriously on us all but of course, it looks a little different at the moment.

Over the last few weeks and months, The Fun Experts have been keeping up to date with guidance from the Government and Public Health officials to ensure that we can still deliver events to you in a Covid Secure way when the time was right. And if you've been following us on this page, you'll have seen the steps we've been taking to do this. That time has come!

We have had the pleasure of delivering a number of events these last few weeks and continue to speak to many of you about the weeks and months ahead. With certain restrictions easing and others still in place, we have all had to adapt but Fun still continues.

With the addition of Virtual Events in our offering, we have continued to deliver our range of fun event equipment hire for events - albeit on a smaller scale of course. These events have all been run in line with our own Covid Secure Risk Assessments and each event delivered with our expertise shared with clients in providing a safe environment for these events to take place. The safety of you, your guests and The Fun Experts is paramount as always, ever more so in current times.

If you would like to discuss how we can work together, whether that be plans in the coming week or you're looking ahead, our Sales Team are on hand - and have been all along - to discuss your event. So feel free to get in touch with Camille and her team today and let's plan for the fun to continue.



Updated 10th June, 2020

We are Covid Secure!

Having taken steps to ensure that our offices and warehouses are a safe and (Covid) secure environment for The Fun Experts, attention quickly moved to that of our Events and our clients.

In line with Government guidance and advice from Public Health officials, we have taken every step possible to ensure that our Event Equipment Hire is covid secure for you, your guests and our Event Teams.

  • A complete review of all event equipment has been undertaken to ensure it is Covid Secure and safe for hire...and remain Fun!
  • supplying Covid Secure Kits for our teams when attending events
  • ensuring our Fun Experts are fully trained in our Covid Secure Guidelines (based on Government advice)
  • updating our Risk Assessments and Method Statements accordingly

When booking your event with The Fun Experts, you can rest assured that every step has been taken to deliver a safe event with our Covid Secure teams. We will ask you a number of additional questions when booking with us, to ensure that the event can remain Covid Secure on both sides. Understandably, there may be elements you yourself may have not considered, but again, you can have confidence that our expertise within our industry will ensure you have a safe, controlled event that remains fun for those attending.

If you want to discuss your event in more detail, our Sales Team are on hand to discuss with you and you can contact them today.



Updated 27th May, 2020

In line with current Government guidance, Fun Towers doors to our offices and warehouses do, unfortunately, remain closed BUT we are still here for you!

We thought we would bring you up to date with the behind the scenes of The Fun Experts because, like so many businesses at the moment, there is so much happening behind the scenes.

Sales Manager Camille is still very much on the other end of your enquiry, working from home. With some of you looking ahead, it's important to remember that some time in the coming weeks and months, things will move on. It is great to be speaking to so many of you and sharing the positivity of whats to come.

Currently we are busy ensuring that we can provide you with a Covid Secure service when delivering our fun event equipment hire. Part of this process means we are:

  • supplying Covid Secure Kits for our teams when attending events
  • ensuring our Fun Experts are fully trained in our Covid Secure Guidelines (based on Government advice)
  • updating our Risk Assessments and Method Statements accordingly
  • assessing our fun event equipment hire to ensure that they are Covid Secure...and remain fun!

You can rest assured that we are taking the necessary steps to provide you and your guests with a Covid Secure event between now and normal, implementing these temporary measures.

We've all had to adapt in some way, the biggest change being working from home and embracing more technology. We've done this too - our Planning & Projects Manager has been able to attend Virtual Site Visits. The preparation and planning for events having continued for some in a virtual world as we utilise certain tools. It's been fantastic and a great way to look ahead, if you feel this is something that will help support your planning then we would be more than happy to discuss this further with you.

In the meantime, as we all continue to navigate through the advice, guidance and support, we promise to keep you up to date with everything at The Fun Experts and how The Fun Experts can provide you with the same service we have done so for over 15 years.

Keep well, stay safe and stay alert.



Updated 6th April, 2020

The Fun Experts are proud to support

The NHS and front line services are in desperate need of PPE. Across the UK, businesses have unfortunately had to close their doors during the Covid-19 pandemic and in doing so, they have locked away access to their own supplies of gowns, gloves, disposable aprons, face masks, cleaning products and more. These would normally be used in their own day to day but instead sat in storage on shelves in warehouses and businesses, when instead you could support our Front Line Services by donating these supplies.

For more information, simply head to and help us protect our NHS so they can save lives.



Updated 23rd March, 2020

We'll be honest, the commute today was a little different as the Fun Experts began to work from home. As we all adjust to our new working environments, it's important to remember...we're still here for you.

So even though we won't be walking through the office door in the weeks to come, technology means that we can still plan for a fun future, because in the weeks and months after this, one thing we will all want to do is have fun. Whether that be through employee engagement, because let's be honest, we're going to need to reengage ourselves when normal ensues; celebrations, with friends, family and colleagues; promotion - because we will all want to talk about how we're back in business!

The Fun Experts are here to support you through this and see you on the other side. Be sure to keep in touch and remember as we're here and in need of a distraction, the fun of an event is just as much in the planning!

Please remember to stay safe everyone: be sure to follow advice from Government and health officials, as the Fun Experts continue to do.




Updated 20th March, 2020

The COVID-19 virus is now dominating much of our thoughts and we hope that you and your colleagues are managing to stay positive. We would just like to take a moment to talk to you about our response to the current situation.

While The Fun Experts continue to take preventive measures there is inevitably going to be a period of disruption for our customers and thereby to our operations and delivery of events in response to the current Government advice. However, it's important to remember...Fun is not’s just on hold!

And though there is uncertainty around how long we are in this, one message is clear: it will end. 

The lights are still on for The Fun Experts, however from Monday 23rd March, 2020,  we will be working remotely, and our team will remain available to speak to you by phone on the usual numbers and access emails. If you’d prefer some face-to-face interaction, we can arrange a video call also…you still have access to us! 

We appreciate that many of our customers have postponed immediate plans, but whilst for the foreseeable future we don’t expect to be working side-by-side in the coming weeks, we can still support each other and look at the opportunities that lie ahead and start planning. A big part of the fun of an event isn’t just attending it, it’s the preparation, planning and looking forward to it. And we will all be in need of some social interaction as colleagues return together, so no better time to consider how you’ll be making fun work in your workplace.

Let’s keep the conversation going and still have fun! You can contact us at any time at 0800 086 2380 – check in with us to let us know how you're doing, any top tips on working from home and we’ll continue to share our support, inspiration and thoughts on our social media accounts.

So for now, be safe, wash your hands, look after your friends, families and neighbours and support each other. Together we will pull through this and can look towards a brighter future. 



Updated - 16th March 2020

Under the current guidance around Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Government and health advisors, it is deemed suitable for events of any type to continue as planned.

The Fun Experts have taken steps to ensure that hygiene continues to be a priority, even more so during this time, and are actively promoting the advice and guidance across our business.

In House

Our teams across offices and warehouses have access to hand sanitiser and are encouraged to regularly wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, especially upon arriving to or when leaving the premises.

We encourage visitors to our offices to do the same upon arrival and leaving.

At Events

For our Events Team, their kit boxes are readily stocked with hand sanitiser as are their vehicles, which are cleaned before and after a change of driver.

The Fun Experts are well practised in following guidance provided by the Government when interacting with guests and are equipped with cleaning products such as disinfectant, allowing them to clean equipment prior to and after use.

All equipment is also checked, cleaned and fully sanitised prior to and upon return to our warehouses.

We have always prided ourselves on the high quality and cleanliness of our equipment, even more so during this time.

We encourage you, our clients, to advise your guests of these steps and introduce signage for display at your event. Examples are available here for you to display.

Given the nature of the industry we service, we are constantly monitoring the situation and ensuring sufficient steps and measures are in place. We continue to monitor the advice provided by health services and Government as it is released and act upon any steps necessary. We will endeavour to keep you updated on our actions through this page as and when new advice is provided.

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