"A team that plays together, stays together"

"A team that plays together, stays together"
Event Inspiration | 03-02-2020 | Posted By Ryan Lee

It's no hidden secret that a happy workforce is a productive workforce, however, you may be wondering how you go about creating a happy workforce? The answer is simple: 

"A team that plays together, stays together"

The Fun Expert Family

Now I'm not enticing you to suddenly turn your workspace into the latest episode of Ninja Warrior, as tempting as that may seem, in reality, it just wouldn't be feasible let alone HR approved.

It's not out of the ordinary these days to be in an office that sees the sending of emails to the other side of the room the norm when in reality, it would be quicker to deliver the message personally and with human interaction. Too often now do we see office environments where silence is the standard and is only disturbed by the continuous tapping of keyboards. 

Over the years as The Fun Expert family continues to grow, I and Sunny have always made it our mission to ensure all of our Fun Experts get out of their regular routines to not only add some excitement in their position but to help each of them build on their relationships with the fellow Fun Experts.

It's by creating this atmosphere of play that we let our true forms come to the surface as we have no responsibilities or agendas to cloud our judgement, we are all there to share in the common goal of having fun, it's that plain and simple. 

By substituting our daily office atmosphere for a fun-focused environment, you are actually creating a safe space for your employees. In this space, they have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership qualities that may have originally gone unseen. 


In order for this out of office socialising to take place and resonate with your staff, it's important to have a clear and shared culture that your employees are actively involved with. For example, The Fun Experts at Sunshine Events focus their values around open-communication. They have always been made to feel a vital part of The Fun Expert family as opposed to just a follower.

It's this collectively shared vision of the culture that enables The Fun Experts to really build and grow with the experiences an out of office adventure gives them.  


Contrary to popular belief, organising out of office experiences, workshops and adventures doesn't have to cost you a pretty penny. Much like the expression goes its all about quality over quantity. Sunshine Events have had a myriad of experiences outside of the office. These include:

  • Alton Towers
  • Go -Karts
  • Afternoon Tea
  • Escape Rooms
  • Colour Run(s)
  • Go-Ape

Now there may be some of you thinking that this kind of play isn't appropriate for your company, or spending money on such things is just counterintuitive. To that, I must say that the ROI we have seen from our Fun Experts at Sunshine Events is immeasurable both in financial and individual growth.Â