You won't want to SWITCH this off!

Nintendo - SWITCH on your inner child

No matter your age, teens, 20's, 30's, 40's and beyond, you will have played a Nintendo console at some point.  With the exception of the Gamecube, the Japanese gaming giants have mastered the fun in gaming.  From the ever reliable Mario (whether adventuring around worlds or speeding around a race track) to a variety of platform games, Nintendo has always tried to push the boundaries of how much fun you can have with a console.  As the Fun Experts - we have nothing but love for Nintendo!

Up until the end of 2017, we had great pleasure in spreading fun nationwide with the Nintendo Wii and Projector Screen.  A console that in the early noughties (yes we are that old now) revolutionised family console gaming, has been one of our biggest successes - from Family Fun Days to Exhibitons and Promotions, the Nintendo Wii was an ever reliable addition to an event.

But technology develops over the years (just look at how Virtual Reality has come along) and so in 2017, with the release of the new Nintendo SWITCH console, we said goodbye to a modern classic and hello to the future.

What is the Nintendo SWITCH?

Nintendo ticked a lot of boxes with their new release.  With a slick design, the SWITCH revolutionises gaming as it allows you to take it with you wherever you go.  You can dock the console itself to play on a big screen or you can simply remove the small tablet sized console and play on the go.  The controls (here known as Joy Cons) are a fantastic feature - coming with two joy-cons, these can be used as one complete control, or split up for multiplayer modes. 

But for the Fun Experts, the big sell and what we wanted to introduce you to is quite simply the gaming aspect - the graphics, the games themselves, the experience and above all else, the fun everyone can have whilst playing or watching.

Why should I hire the SWITCH for my event?

It's simple really - it's soooo much fun!  As we launched this console as a product to hire, we introduced it with our new TV Units - a slick black unit that features a 43" UHD (Ultra High Definition) screen, which adds depth and emphasises the vibrancy of games such as Mario Kart.  Crowds will be drawn in instantly by what's on show, the problem you're then left with is the length of queue!

Nintendo are masters at developing games that are suitable for all ages.  From the aforementioned Mario Kart to the launch game SWITCH 1-2-3 and classics that include Bomberman, this is not only a fantastic looking feature for your event but it is one that will entertain and engage users.  The ease of use will allow for anyone and everyone to take part and enjoy.

When can I hire the Nintendo SWITCH?

Now! And the best thing is, it's available and suitable for a variety of events:

  • Exhibitions / Promotional Launch - the slick unit is open to optional branding, perfect for you to advertise your brand at these events
  • Team Building Events - with up 4 players on multi player, we could even introduce a second system so up to 8 players can play on the same game
  • Private Parties - whether a wedding, birthday party, Bar / Bat Mitzvah; guests are sure to be entertained
  • Corporate Events - the ease of gameplay makes this the perfect addition to any event for anyone

What else can we say? Not much to be honest, other than we love it!  We know you and your guest's will to, but you can always head over to the product page for a closer look and speak to the Fun Experts if you want to know more!