Fun Expert of the Month - March 2015

And the Winner(s) is ...

Firstly let us apologise; no doubt you were on the edge of your seat awaiting the announcement of last month's Fun Expert of the Month!

Unfortunately one nomination was sent by carrier pigeon and the poor thing only landed yesterday!  As the poor little fella has grown gracefully old and tired, we've let him take his retirement and so he's on one final flight to live out the rest of his days in a pigeon paradise surrounded by sea, sun and sand ... or maybe he's just headed down to Trafalgar Square!

February's Fun Expert of the Month

And so with the arrival of a final nomination for February, this month we bring you not one winner but TWO!

Last month saw many nominations come in for a number of Fun Experts with the likes of Logan, Harley and Dominic each receiving nominations from their colleagues. 

'Fun', 'Exciting', 'Passionate', 'Caring' - these were just some of the words that were chosen for the nominees of Fun Expert of the Month in February.

In the end, the winning nominee proved to offer just that little extra special something making him stand tall above the rest - which is impressive considering his smaller stature!

So without further a-do, allow us to introduce to you our winner for February's Fun Expert of the Month ...

Mark Morrison

He's had a fantastic year so far, having visited some exciting events and along the way he has been a huge part of making not only every event a success but the experience for his colleagues all the more enjoyable.

Some of Marks recent adventures have made headlines - Sunshine Events Headlines that is! - as he as taken to the road with the Game Show; you can read all about one exciting trip right here!

March's Fun Expert of the Month

And so as Mark enjoys his time in the spotlight it's time to present to you our Fun Expert of the Month for March.

As the monthly accolade approaches one year old, we thought we would celebrate by allowing our Management Team the opportunity to vote this month.  Witness to all the efforts that each and every one of the team brings to Sunshine Events, March saw one individual stand out and shine even as the eclipse (tried) to darken a day.

Having been with the company only a short time, this person has brought with them a unique, creative and witty persona that has affected their colleagues massively.  You too have been affected by what this Fun Expert has brought to Sunshine Events as her eye for detail, imagination and design has changed many factors in what Sunshine Events has provided for you of late.

Having said all that may have given the game away and so please allow us to present you with March's Fun Expert of the Month ...

Beth Sudlow

Beth has gone above and beyond of late as she has been an integral part of the design of some new and exciting features.  You may have already witnessed one - our fab new Photo Booth branding!

Thank you to both Beth and Mark for all that you have done and continue to do with Sunshine Events.  It is a pleasure for all of us here to have you as part of the Sunshine Events family and we can't wait to share in more fun with you!

Enjoy your little treats and we will see you next month as Fun Expert of the Month continues!