Did you know it's Stress Awareness Month?

At The Fun Experts, we're all about creating a positive workplace culture within our business as well as our client's; it's so important that staff feel supported at work, particularly when dealing with stress and other mental challenges. In support of April being Stress Awareness Month, we're sharing some ways you can manage and reduce stress for you and others in the workplace. 

Get out!

Okay, not literally... but on a serious note it's so important to ensure you're taking time out during the day, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed with so much to do and not enough time to do it. Getting outside for five minutes of fresh air to clear your head or heading on a walk with a work buddy can be so beneficial in allowing your brain to reset, so that when you go back inside that stressful task might not seem so stressful anymore. Schedule time in the diary to get out and bring your colleagues with you too, my fellow Fun Experts, Lauren, Louisa and I have recently established our Tuesday walk club, which is a great idea, especially now that the weather is brightening up!

Be your own cheerleaders!

Do you have somebody you can lean on not just at home but at work too? The saying 'A problem shared is a problem halved' really is true, hence why it's so important to be able to speak to somebody you can trust, whether that's your HR or Wellbeing Officer or a colleague, whenever you're feeling stressed about something work related or not. With that being said, you never know what somebody else is going through, so cheer your co workers on wherever you can, making sure they know that they are a valuable member of the team and feel 100% supported. You have to be your own biggest cheerleader too, recognise even the small achievements and don't let the stressful stuff overshadow all your hard work!

Have some fun!

While work is of course important, so is play! It's the little things in life that make a big difference, like half an hour competing with colleagues at one of our Interactive Games, you'd be surprised how much they can boost morale within a workplace. The Fun Experts love to encourage having fun not just at events and parties, but during your 9-5 as well, hence why we've put together a page on our website filled with office entertainment inspiration. From Table Top Games such as Maze Runners and Snake Pit, to our Strike a Light and Bounce a Ball, we've carefully curated a range of entertainment that will fit right in at the office and provide the perfect activity when you need to take some time out to de-stress, which you can view Here.

Although April is the designated Stress Awareness Month, this applies all year round and we'd like to reach out a hand to anyone struggling right now. Stress can easily be managed and we hope these small steps can be a useful starting point in helping you to unwind. If you'd like to see some positive posts appearing in your feed daily, feel free to head on over and follow our Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. Happy Stress Awareness Month everyone!